SAF Masterclass


An expert-led Masterclass which will explain the pathways, policies, economics, and business case for Sustainable Aviation Fuels. 100% Online and featuring six different modules. Split into three online sessions each lasting approximately three hours, this course will deep-dive into the pathways, policies, economics and business case for SAF.


DAY 1 - WEDNESDAY 13 MARCH (15:00 - 18:00 CEST)

Module 1 - The economics of SAF: Buying, trading and offtake agreements

Module 2 - Analysing the business case for SAF and benefits beyond CO2 reduction

DAY 2 - TUESDAY 19 MARCH (15:00 - 18:00 CEST)

Module 3 - Introduction to SAF, production pathways and feedstock availability

Module 4 - Analysing the mandates, policies and regulatory landscape for SAF

DAY 3 - WEDNESDAY 20 MARCH (15:00 - 18:00 CEST)

Module 5 - Fuel blending, conforming and compliance

Module 6 - Integration of SAF, supply chain infrastructure and logistics



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For more information about our delegate passes, or to book directly with a member of our team, please contact or phone +44 (0)20 3355 4230